Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Buffalo New York Military Park along Lake Erie is a must see beautiful park.

 This is a wonderful Military Park along Lake Erie filled with war ships for the public to tour, and Monuments in honor of those who defended the rights of others on many foreign shores.  
Below is a sail boat for the public to enjoy a trip on Lake Erie.  Looks like an amazing adventure.
This is in honor of the Civil War that was fought on American soil in 1864.  

The monument below is in honor of the war in Korea in 1949.  Rod's dad fought in that war, and was awarded the Bronze Star for humanitarian service given when his group came upon a massive field of dead Korean soldiers, and took the time to give them a proper burial.
This is a very powerful place where we can honor those who gave their all for the freedoms of others on many divers lands and sea.

Monday, August 29, 2016

1000 Island Boat Cruze on Lake Ontario's St Lawrence River

Today we all went to Lake Ontario on a boat cruise.  It was an amazing day filled with the most beautiful homes, and sights along this beautiful lake.  
This was one with a mote bridge for an access.  Pretty fancy setup on the lake.
This is the Boldt Castle on Heart Island.  An amazing island filled with beautiful gardens.
This was a surprise to see a boat car on the lake!  This one brought us all up to get a picture!
All along the river are beautiful homes that people live in all year.  In the winter the lake freezes over and they get around on snowmobiles.
We spent the whole day seeing amazing sights.  If our family lived here, this would be heaven on earth!
Beautiful flower gardens surround this Boldt Castle.  It is one of the most beautiful.  
Family homes fill most of their islands, with water for their enjoyment.  Not too bad for a place on the lake.
Everyone makes their spot on the river perfect, filled with their idea of home.  Not too shabby!  The largest fish caught here was in 1957. A Muskellunge, weighing 69 lbs 15 oz, and measuring 64.5"!  WOW!
Looks like a bit of heaven to me!  Thanks for touring with us today!  
A walk on the sidewalk along the river.  I could get use to this place!
Boat ready for an out on the river.  Sounds like fun,  and kind of reminds me of the River in Chester, Idaho where mom grew up.  The family swimming hole, where we jump off the bridge!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Cruizing down the Erie Canal from Lockport. This was amazing!

Cruising  down the Erie Canal on a perfect day with the year Missionaries and friends from the area, brought his smiles and great amazement at the amazing first of those who built the Eerie Canal so many years ago with their limited resources, and today is still in use by the entire area as a source of travel in this area today.

The Erie Canal harbor boat Cruze loading dock.

Beautiful homes line the canal from Buffalo to Albany New York, 350 miles with beautiful parks and businesses along the way.  The canal has bridges that are raised and lowered to accommodate road travel across the canal day in and day out.  Quite an amazing feat so long ago and still in use today!

There are lots of bird towel along the canal, and we don't seem to bother them.  It was an amazing trip for everyone.  My favorite was going through the locks.  There are 35 locks in all.  The canal extends a  total of 363 miles long, with a rise of 568 feet from the Hudson River to Lake Erie.  Built is 1820, there are 57 locks and 17 lift bridges.  It took 7 years to build, and finished in October of 1825.  
      They hired orphans to crawl down in the holes to set the dynamite to do the blasting for the canal.  They earned 12 cents a day.  That is one terrible job!  

This is one of the locks that we are rising up to go through.  It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to fillip the water to go through each lock.  And the same to let the water down stream.  It was totally awesome!

Which you all could have spent this day with us.  It was pretty amazing!

A Cobblestone Chappell made of lake stone from

A beautiful cobblestone church built from stones collected by the waters of Lake Ontario in 1848.
We tripped over this amazing  Methodist church built in 1848, along North Ridge road ion the way home from our excursion to Fort Niagara today.  Built from cobblestones collected in Lake Ontario.
Beautiful Stain glass windows surround every side of the church.   Incredible to see up close!
 On our way home from an excursion with the Missionaries to Fort Niagara we found this beautiful  treasure of a Chapel along highway 41.  Had to stop and get pictures to share with everyone.  The Mason's who perfected this art of stone work did not pass along this craft, and so today is a lost art.  

More than beautiful work of art!  Couldn't let this one go unnoticed!  The pictures don't do it justice, but it will have to do.

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Abney's, the keepers of the gardens here at the Palmyra Temple.

These two are a the cream of the crop when it comes to our favorite missionaries !  We served with Casey & Marilyn Abney in the Payson Temple!  They are the Top when it comes to kind service!

They are also the keepers of the gardens around the Temple.  Each week they, and their team of experts are out trimming off the dead flowers, and keep the gardens beautiful with their watchful care.  They are the greatest example of Christ like service, and we are all blessed by their thoughtful words and actions.  Thank you both for making this Mission experience unforgettable!  You hold a tender spot in our hearts! 

In a sweet old town can't a girl have a little fun dreaming!

I couldn't resist a chance to take a seat in the Osbornes Myadi!  I just might love this!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

This is our Church Building in Niagara Falls , 190 miles round trip .  We are spoiled in Utah!
We are in a very severe drought throughout the state of New York as you can see by the dead lawns.
This is Debbie Targon  with the cane Rod made for her.  She is an amazing lady that feeds the 3 sets of missionaries every month.  They live the fact that she is an amazing cook.  We love her!  
Her mom is 90 plus years old and the spunkiest darling woman ever!  She is so funny and is always good for a great laugh.  I hope I grow up to bee as fun as her at that age.

Monday, August 8, 2016

The next best thing to Salem Days in New York is a parade in Phelps.

This can't compare with Salem Days but we enjoyed the welcoming people who shared their spot of shade with us and a soft spot to enjoy the festivities!  Rod always enjoys the old cars!

This beautiful team of  Percheron horses were our favorite!   
Monster trucks for all the monster truck lovers in the town.  This ones is for All the monster truck lovers back home.

The even had a couple of great Bagpipe Bands that were awesome!  
 We miss most of all spending time with family and friends, but have made many new special friends where ever we'e gone.