This is. our neighbors, Sister Janet Hadley and Terry Jensen at an Easter Concert at the Rochester Stake house. After the concert I had left my purse and coat on the bench to get refreshments. Brother Jensen had found my coat and purse where we sat and took care of it so it would not get taken. I had to laugh when I saw him, because Rod would never have picked up my purse in a million years. It is just not the manly thing to do in his eyes. It made me smile when I saw him carrying my purse and I couldn't miss taking a picture. It is just Elder Jensen's way of taking care of others. The concert was amazing and well worth the time well spent.
This is a picture painted by President Blacks daughter that reminded me so much of Grandma Mary's front porch in Chester, Idaho. It brought so many sweet memories of Grandma and time spent there with her over the years. It was a perfect Grandma memory for me of a cherished childhood memory of time spent at her home.
This is. our neighbors, Sister Janet Hadley and Terry Jensen at an Easter Concert at the Rochester Stake house. After the concert I had left my purse and coat on the bench to get refreshments. Brother Jensen had found my coat and purse where we sat and took care of it so it would not get taken. I had to laugh when I saw him, because Rod would never have picked up my purse in a million years. It is just not the manly thing to do in his eyes. It made me smile when I saw him carrying my purse and I couldn't miss taking a picture. It is just Elder Jensen's way of taking care of others. The concert was amazing and well worth the time well spent.
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