Monday, April 4, 2016

Conference Sunday doesn't look like Spring in Palmyra. Pictures taken from our apartment. Even the Maple trees are starting to get red bud out

Pictures taken from our apartment Conference Sunday, April 3rd 2016.  
Even the Maple trees are starting to bud out with a dark red buds.   Spring is anxious to show her colors.  I am looking forward to the Spring display of colors.  Hope you enjoyed Conference as much as we did.  We didn't get the morning session till noon, and the afternoon session at 4:00pm, and it was worth the wait.  So many fabulous talks and instructions from everyone.  Loved  Elder Hollands talk at the end.  He always speaks to my soul, and gives me comfort, hope, and peace.  Happy Birthday Today Dad.   We love you and miss being there for your celebration, but know our hearts are there with you.  You are the best Dad ever.
       We gathered after Conference at the Commorah  Visitor  Center after Conference Sunday Night for a Missionaries Conference Dinner.  Rod topped it all off baking 4 bone in hams that were the best tasting hams ever.  Of course we have left overs for the next Mission Dinner he has planned for everyone, and take home for Everyone to enjoy.  It is fun to gather with all the Temple & Sight Missionaries to share our stories and get to know each other better.  The friendships are our favorite part, and laughter is a big part of the evening.   A good time was had by all,and we left looking forward to our next gathering.  We miss you all, but feel the lord watching over you daily, and know you are all being blessed & watched over while we are away.   Love you all, and send our love always.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! If you want to you can follow my blog as well!!!
