Sunday, November 29, 2015


Hill Cumorah 1  Yesterday we took a drive to the hill Comorah!  We were the only ones there at the time and as the pictures attest, it was a beautiful fall day.  

We hadn't been there long until a man came up the  hill and we visited with him.  Soon we looked at his bage he was wearing, and got big smiles on our face as we connected him to his daughter Lori Pond, and Sheila Shumway who we worked with at the Provo Temple for years.  We took up conversing with him of his daughter and what great friends we are. It was a perfect start to the day!  He is a sight missionary with his wife for 2 more weeks.  Happy we ran into him before they leave.  

We enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with the other missionaries at the Palmyra Inn eatind a delectible meal, and playing the game "To tell the truth".  You allknow that I am a horrible at lying, and get the details all mixed up!  But your dad is great at telling tall stories and was the hit of the evening with all his tall tales of surviving in the wilderness the night of a storm by killing a dear and gutting it and climbing inside the deer to keep warm in a terrible snow storm.  Of course they all bought the story and he turned beet red with laughter to the laughter of everyone,  I ended up telling storyies that were true that could fit with the topic.  Oh well, that is me.

Totally enjoyed working in the temple on Sat, but after working a 9 hour shift, going out to dinner with all the workers after, with a bad back weather day, I totaly was ready for a bengay backrub, and sleeing on a hot rice pack. Needless to say I will never go to the temple without ibprophen!

Church was wonderful!! A great ward with lots of sight missionaries.  They spoke during Sundayschool class, and we had combined priesthood and Relief Society mtgs together.  A supper ward!

Hopefully I will be successful at putting the pictures on to this email.  

We send our warmest wishes for everyone back home!!!  And are praying for our new granddaughter tomorrow!  We are praying for her safe arrival!!!   And waiting for the good news.  

   love and miss you all,


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

We have arrived!

Wow `  What beautiful country.  I love this land with its beautiful country farms and  country style homes.  Everything is green, with beautiful well kept yards.  They  love where they live and it shows by the way they take care of it,

We moved in yesterday, but not in the place we thought it was.  Even better!  still 2 bed rooms and when I walked through the door, was greeted with lots of red.  Loved it at once!!!  Hopefully I can send pictures.  We have neighbors behind us, under us, and to the side of us.  All in the same building.  It feels like home  already!

We went on an excursion with the other missionaries yesterday on our pday to a Jello Museum of sorts  There was the cutest spunky 91 year old lady that was so endearing as she told of the history of Jello.  Jello should put her on television!!!

 Then we were off to lunch at an old train depo  now restraint.  Great food, and fun to visit with the other missionaries and hear their stories,  Then back home to unpack the car and move in  We are loving  every minute of this this!!!  We love you all and send our hugs & kisses to the family!

Now I will try to get the pictures.  Have a great day!


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Our MTC Experience at the Salt Lake City Temple

     We began our MTC experience gathering with 18 other couples going on Temple missions all over the world from Washington DC, Palmyra New York, Navoo Illinoise,Tijuana Mexico, and Montevodeo Uruguay,  Boston, Massachusetts, and London England.  Many of the couples had served several missions,
     Our trainers were Richard & Kathleen Walker who served as the President & Matron of the Salt Lake Temple in 2009.  Kathleen is the daughter of President Hinkley, my favorite Prophet, and had the spunk and personality of both her mom and dad.  They were delightful to listen to.  One minute they were telling stories that made you laugh, the next moment, stories that made you cry. 
      Each day was spent in participating in the different ordinance a patrons.  Tuesday, we all gathered to participate in an endowment session.  As we were walking to the chappel I was thinking about the day that Rod & I had been married there 40 years ago this coming month, and was impressed that Rod and I would be chosen to be the witness couple.  As we walked iinto the room the Bro. asked if we would be willling to do that for the session.  I was not suprised but Bro.Walker mentioned that they had never choosen one of the missionary couples before. It was a Sweet Tender Mercy for me that day! 
       We enjoyed getting to know each other at lunch time where we were fed like kings.  Meals, and our temple clothing were provided by the Temple which was a great service because most of us had our clothes packed in our cars to drive to our missions after our week at the Temple MTC.                          
        The last day was my favorite as we were taken on a tour of the Temple to places most never get to go.  We went to the baptistry, up the spiral stars to the Holy of Holies, the solemn assembly room
where the Priesthood gather, the baptistry, under the road tunnels, and the room where Elder Talmage wrote the book, Jesus the Christ.  Most impressive of all was the knowledge that they built this temple when they didn't have the equipment we have today that would make it easy.  What a choice experience for us to be taught by those who have shared so much with us who are embarking on this wonderful mission adventure.  I hope we never forget what a priveledge it is to serve the Lord.  The least we can do for our Heavenly Father who gives us all His Son to bring us safely home.