Tuesday, November 24, 2015

We have arrived!

Wow `  What beautiful country.  I love this land with its beautiful country farms and  country style homes.  Everything is green, with beautiful well kept yards.  They  love where they live and it shows by the way they take care of it,

We moved in yesterday, but not in the place we thought it was.  Even better!  still 2 bed rooms and when I walked through the door, was greeted with lots of red.  Loved it at once!!!  Hopefully I can send pictures.  We have neighbors behind us, under us, and to the side of us.  All in the same building.  It feels like home  already!

We went on an excursion with the other missionaries yesterday on our pday to a Jello Museum of sorts  There was the cutest spunky 91 year old lady that was so endearing as she told of the history of Jello.  Jello should put her on television!!!

 Then we were off to lunch at an old train depo  now restraint.  Great food, and fun to visit with the other missionaries and hear their stories,  Then back home to unpack the car and move in  We are loving  every minute of this this!!!  We love you all and send our hugs & kisses to the family!

Now I will try to get the pictures.  Have a great day!



  1. Dear Elder and Sister Barney!
    We love you! No doubt you are feeling the mission experience already and the love that so readily comes from all the other senior couples serving. Reading about your MTC experience made my hair stand on end. Truly, this is a once in a life time gift to you. Being the witness couple must have been so awesome too.
    Your house is so clean; we could not believe it. You amaze us. Howard and Ali

  2. We can't wait to come see you guys. Your apartment is great😀

  3. We can't wait to come see you guys. Your apartment is great😀
