We hadn't been there long until a man came up the hill and we visited with him. Soon we looked at his bage he was wearing, and got big smiles on our face as we connected him to his daughter Lori Pond, and Sheila Shumway who we worked with at the Provo Temple for years. We took up conversing with him of his daughter and what great friends we are. It was a perfect start to the day! He is a sight missionary with his wife for 2 more weeks. Happy we ran into him before they leave.
We enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with the other missionaries at the Palmyra Inn eatind a delectible meal, and playing the game "To tell the truth". You allknow that I am a horrible at lying, and get the details all mixed up! But your dad is great at telling tall stories and was the hit of the evening with all his tall tales of surviving in the wilderness the night of a storm by killing a dear and gutting it and climbing inside the deer to keep warm in a terrible snow storm. Of course they all bought the story and he turned beet red with laughter to the laughter of everyone, I ended up telling storyies that were true that could fit with the topic. Oh well, that is me.
Totally enjoyed working in the temple on Sat, but after working a 9 hour shift, going out to dinner with all the workers after, with a bad back weather day, I totaly was ready for a bengay backrub, and sleeing on a hot rice pack. Needless to say I will never go to the temple without ibprophen!
Church was wonderful!! A great ward with lots of sight missionaries. They spoke during Sundayschool class, and we had combined priesthood and Relief Society mtgs together. A supper ward!
Hopefully I will be successful at putting the pictures on to this email.
We send our warmest wishes for everyone back home!!! And are praying for our new granddaughter tomorrow! We are praying for her safe arrival!!! And waiting for the good news.
love and miss you all,
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