40 years go by in the blink of an eye ! celebrated on our way to our new Ward Assignment to the Niagara Falls Ward. It was a beautiful drive made easy with the help of a GPS! Found our Ward house , then checked into. motel along the river. Could not see much in the dark but went for ice-cream and drove around the town. Found an ice skating rink with kids skating that brought back memories of skating on our pond in Salem ! It was a blast from the past!
Loved our Ward ! Everyone was so welcoming to us from the minute we walked in! They had us share our Testimonies , and by the time we left we had invitations to dinner, and were invited to sing in the choir, and the stake Patriarch offered us to stay at his home on the weekends so we wouldn't have to get a hotel to stay in. but most of all we felt a great love for the people. dinner was wonderful! Mike is a Chef and has cooked for Elon John, Bon Jovi, Chicago, etc. we loved our visit with him and his son. it was a great day!!!
Monday we decided it was perfect weather to go get our fandom bike! So we rode to a bike hop, tried it out on the Eerie Canal and went back home for a ride through town! it is great! Happy Anniversary!
We send our love and gratitude to our Heavenly Father for this wonderful experience we are having and know that He is watching over all our loved ones at home! We pray for each of you daily and feel safe knowing we are all safe in His protecting care!
Love to you all,
Elster and Sister Barney
Mom and Dad
Friends and family
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