Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The organization of the Church in 1830 at the Peter Whitmer home.

The Peter Whitmer home where the Church was first organized in 1820.  This was one of the first Church Sites we came to when we arrived.  Of all the places we have visited this one  was amazing !
This is the upper bedroom window in the Whitmer Home where Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey translated much of the Book of Mormon.  

The Visitor Center at the Whitmer Farm,  One amazing place.  The spirit is very strong here.

The upstairs bedroom where Oliver Cowdry and Joseph Smith translated most of the Book of Mormon
It surprised me  how well they made use of every corner in their small homes.  It was apparent that they were very intentional about the things they had and used in their homes.  Everything had its place and purpose because of the amount of space they had.  The woman's touch was felt in every room, from the fresh flowers, to the bed quilts, and the herbs hanging above the fireplace to dry.   they loved their homes and it showed by the intentional way they lived.

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