The Winter freeze is back with a vengence! It hit last Saturday on our way to Nyagra and has covered the ground with 4 - 6 inches of snow, with temps of 20 and below with the windchill. The other night, the snowflakes looked like fine rainbow glitter falling from the sky! It was beautiful, but very cold!
Our neighbor, Elder Hadley is still in Rochester General Hosp. Today they did a trakiotamy to help him breath better without the oxygen tubes down his throught. He is still not able to use his right side, but the doctors just keep telling us he is weak and just needs time to heal, so we are very hopefull. It is a good thing he is left handed.
On our way home from Niagra Falls on Sunday we drove the long way through the countryside to avoid the crazy drivers on the freeways. It was a wonderful drive past large farm grounds and fields. It reminds me alot of Idaho with it's farm lands and beautiful homes. We passed a lot of century old homes made with small river stone about the size of a womans fist instead of bricks. I will try to get some pictures of them next week. They are my favorites!!!
Mondays the Temple is closed, so a bunch of the Temple Missionary couples went to see the new Star Wars movie. I loved it so much that I wanted to stay and see it again, but didn't, then we were off to lunch where I always order apple crisp with icecream at Olive Garden. It is delicious!!!
We have FHE with the Temple Presidency and the Temple Missionaries each Monday evening at the Temple President's home located just next to the Temple grounds. A new Temple Missionary couple arrived last night. Rod recognized him from the Provo Temple. Some of the misssionary couples are at the end of their Mission now, and we are greetting the new couples as the others are getting ready to go. We need them badly and are so glad to have them with us. There are 14 or more Temple Missionary Couples here at the Palmyra Temple Mission including the Temple Presidency and their wives.
Hoping all is well back home. We love our mission, and we love working in the Temple! Our love to all of you. Take care, and know we love and miss you all deeply!
Elder & Sister Barney