Thursday, September 1, 2016

A Day at the New York State Fair with our neighbors, Marsha &Terry Jensen, and Brent & Karen Miner of the Temple Presidency

A day at the New York State Fair on our day off at the Temple, where we enjoyed our Temple day off.
Our back donor neighbors, Terry & Marsha Jenson from Pocatello, Idaho, and Brent & Karen Miner from our Temple Presidency at the Palmyra Temple.  Off to a great day at the Fair.

First stop was not at the quilt show but the food court where we sampled Canollies, which are a delicious pastry filled with cream cheese,  cheesecake on a stick and dipped in Chocolate, and cheese curds.  They started off our day just right.  Also at the food court was their famous Olympic Sculpture made from Butter.   iIt is encased in a refrigerated display to preserve its integrity throughout the Fair week.  Pretty good if you ask me!

It began to rain so we went into the arts and crafts display where we found great quilts, wood carvings, etc.  These were a few of our favorites!
We enjoyed a show put on by the Police rescue dog team who are trained in drug detection , and rescue efforts, and protecting their police partners.  Everyone was mesmerized with their show, and repelling abilities.  Pretty impressive.  Their dogs are trained from age 6 months, and are part of their family, and are out working in the public for about 6 years, then are retired to go home with their police handler who they have worked with to continue as a member of their family through the rest of their life.  A family member for sure!  
We know what that feels like in our family, don't we!  We love our animals.  They are family for sure!
Then off to the animal displays where we were greeted by these Clucking chickens!  I knew the grandkids would love these Easter colored Chickens.  
We also saw some magnificent horses in the horse barns.  They had them perform in the arena where they performed their unique gaits. It was one of our favorites, and brought back great memories of when we had our horses and enjoyed so many great times with them.  I remembered when we had all the cousins down for a family Easter party I think, and one of the grandkids fell off Duke and landed under his belly on the ground screaming his head off.  Duke just stood there and kept looking down at the screaming kid on the ground under him.  When the grandkid was finally rescued from under Him, and the Saddle adjusted, Duke took the next kid for a walk around the pond. He was an amazing horse who gave us many fond memories we cherish.
It was a great day at the New York State Fair!

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