Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Missionary Barbecue at President Blacks home on Temple road. Rod was dressed to cook!

Sister Schwendiman posing with her cane.  
Sister Schwendiman loving the Cardinal cane that Rod made her.  She loves it and takes it everywhere.  We love every chance we can to get together with our group of the best couples ever!  Couldn't ask for a greater group of Missionaries!  Our gatherings are always filled with laughter and fun times!            After dinner we enjoyed being entertained by "Denny and her escorts".  Bro Dobbs and his group have been performing together for 25 years, and sang all the old tunes we all remembered and love.  It was a wonderful evening of good food and great company!            
Br Dobbs and his 3 legged routine with song and dance.  Great for a big laugh!  

Rod takes advantage of every time he gets to wear his Missionary Barbecue apron.  " Looking stylish & handsome!"

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