Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A visit from Brett & Rebecca and the kids

It was so great to see Brett& Rebecca's family this week.  We went to Niagara Falls and they went on the Maid of the Mist boat ride and had a blast!  Carrie and I sat in the shade and enjoyed the parade of people that walked by.  I think Ethan is ready for some fun!  When they got back everyone was all smiles.  I am having so much fun having grandma time!  It doesn't get better than this.

We went to Lake Ontario for some playtime with the kids and found a fun park with a view of the lake.  Carrie loved time out of her car seat playing on the ground, and the boys loved the playgrounds.  Time to play is never long enough.
Ethan is ready for his ride on the Niagara Falls Maid of the Mist.
Niagara Falls Ward celebrated their Strawberry Festival with a Barbecue Dinner and Fresh Strawberries and ice cream.  A good time for sure.  

Rebecca , Carrie and I enjoy a walk through the Sacred Grove.  Great times spent together are never enough, but so much fun.
We went to an old car show in town today, and it brought back great memories.  This was the car Rod had when we met.  
This one is a  a classic.  Looks like the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car on the Disney Show.
This one reminded me of Dad's old car we had when we were growing up.  A great blast from the past!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Our greatest joy on our Mission is serving in the Temple

Our Grandson Layne asked how many people we have baptized while on our mission.  We do Baptismal work all the time with people who Our Grandson Layne asked us how many People we have Baptised on our Mission.  We help groups every day that come to the Temple to be Baptized for their ancestors.  Yesterday we helped the youth from 3 groups from Cincinnati , Ohio.  When they were all finished, we had completed 600 Baptisms, and Conformations.  It was a special day for everyone who was there.  We do that everyday in the Temple.  After an 8 hour day it is a great feeling to have helped with this great work in the Temple.  It doesn't get better than that.  Thanks for asking a great  question Layne. 
 We love and miss our loved ones back home, but know we are doing what our Heavenly Father wants us to do, and we are loving every minute.  Only 5 more months to go!  It is going by fast and we love every minute we are here.  

Remember that we love you all and think and talk about you all everyday.  Family is a gift from Heaven, and we are blessed with the best family ever!

All our love to family and friends!  Elder & Sister Barney

Monday, June 13, 2016

A surprise sighting of a Snapping Turtle on the road to Niagara Falls on Saturday!

We saw this turtle on the road as we were driving to Niagara Falls Saturday.  Didn't expect to see one of those.  He was quite a fighter as we tried to get him off the road.  Boy, he can swing that tail around like a whip.  

Friday, June 10, 2016

The home of Josiah Stole

The home of Josiah Stole who let Joseph and Emma stay.  Joseph helped in his saw mill and Josiah became a great confidant, friend and employer to Josiah.  This is a mom and baby bench that serves as a cradle and rocker for mom and her baby.  The cradle guard can be adjusted to one side or the other depending on if you are left handed or right handed.  Great idea if you ask me.


As we were checking out some excursion sights we ran into this incredible beautiful old barn!  Wow what a beautiful work of craftsmanship!  Not far down the road we found a great takeout decorated in Coke- a cola Decor with great corn fritters served with maple syrup!  Wow, you hold try that one!!!
This Field caught my eye when I saw the letters in green - USA!  What a great statement to everyone who passes by!  Hope to see it later when it fills in more.  
The farm house and old making barn.  A true testament to craftsmanship!  this picture truly doesn't do it justice.  An amazing test of time.  They don't build like that anymore.

Getting a little crowded in here don't you think!

After about 4 or tries at getting her nest ready we decided to let her alone.  A week later she had her baby nest home ready for occupation.  Persistence paid off with 4 hatched eggs.  A little crowded if you ask me!

Getting a little more brave about leaving the nest. Two gone! Two more to go!

Our 4 birds have turned into 2.  I guess it is time to think about leaving the nest.  Looks like it was getting a little too crowded.  Time to fly boys!  Ready set go!

Should we go, or should we stay?    This is under the upstairs that lead to the Johnson's apartment.  Nice and protected from the wind and rain and snow.  Smart mom!
Hope to see them fly away.  How cool would that be!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Happy 63rd Birthday Rod!

All the gang gather to celebrate a great birthday, enjoy great company, good food, and friendships.            
Brent and Karen Miner, Terry Jensen,  Bud and Barbara Balagna , Marsha Jensen,Dale and Dee Johnson, & Rod, the reason for the celebration!  A good time was had by everyone!  Happy
 birthday Rod!  A Great celebration!

Baby Robins under the steps of our apartments.

A very persistent mother Robin finally hatched out 4 baby Robins.   They are all mouth in this picture.  we have been watching the mom for weeks doing her duty as a mom to get these 4 ready to take flight.  Fun to watch her be a great mom.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

A great rainstorm in Palmyra too good to miss.

Just loving all the color in the grove.  It is more than beautiful.  Today it was raining but we didn't feel the rain in the Grove because the leaves made the perfect umbrella.  When we left, it was pouring hard and by the time we made it home, a block away, we were drenched.
  This is a maple tree growing at the base of a beech tree.  The grove under shade of leaves.

This the entrance to the grove.  The fence is called a split rail fence.

The flower beds that welcome guests to the Joseph Smith farm visitor center.  Simply beautiful.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Roxann Celebrates her 60th Birthday on excursion with the Missionaries in the town of Lewiston, and Niagara Falls.

This park is found in the center of the town of Lewiston, depicting a time when the Tuskarrah Indians saw the Canadians crossing the river to attack the settlers there.  The Indians came warning the settlers of the attack, and fired shots across the river to ward off their attackers.  Because of the deepness of the gorge, their shots echoed in a way that made the Canadians withdraw from their attack, thinking there were more people there than they expected.  The towns people have a great love for these acts of heroism and share these stories by these monuments in their town.

 This is an amazing town also known for its role in the Underground Railroad where a series if safe hou
houses helped the blacks escape to Canada during the slavery issue in the United States.  This is a beautiful city on the banks of the Niagara Falls River.  The story is told on this monument.

This depicts the Underground Railroad escape route across the Niagara River to Canada, for blacks to escape Slavery in the United States.
The town of Lockport New York where they still do Dinner cruxes on the EerieCanal.  This area has some of the highest locks we have seen.  It is a beautiful old fashioned town with beautiful Mansions in town.
One of the lock bridges across the EerieCanal. 
This is a beautiful Parkway in Lockport along the Erie that caters to groups that want to go on the canal for Dinner Tours, and Wedding Party Celebrations.  It is a beautiful old English style town.

Palmyra Town Celebration on Memorial Day.

it is the town celebration and Grandma Roxann found a playground to play on!  I can't wait to bring the grandkids here with us.  
Go buddy go!  Terry Jenson our back door missionary neighbor joins in on the fun.
A game of "To Tell the Truth" with our Missionary friends.  That was a great game to play.  Rod was the best at the game getting everyone in on the fun.  Below we are trying to guess the true story teller.

My new summer hair "do" thanks to my new favorite "hairstylest".

 I needed a haircut so I gave Rod the Scissors to cut the length.   He cut it shorter than I thought, but I love it.  Perfect for the summertime.  Everyone at the Temple loved it and were very impressed.  He did a great job if you ask me.  I just love it.