Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Roxann Celebrates her 60th Birthday on excursion with the Missionaries in the town of Lewiston, and Niagara Falls.

This park is found in the center of the town of Lewiston, depicting a time when the Tuskarrah Indians saw the Canadians crossing the river to attack the settlers there.  The Indians came warning the settlers of the attack, and fired shots across the river to ward off their attackers.  Because of the deepness of the gorge, their shots echoed in a way that made the Canadians withdraw from their attack, thinking there were more people there than they expected.  The towns people have a great love for these acts of heroism and share these stories by these monuments in their town.

 This is an amazing town also known for its role in the Underground Railroad where a series if safe hou
houses helped the blacks escape to Canada during the slavery issue in the United States.  This is a beautiful city on the banks of the Niagara Falls River.  The story is told on this monument.

This depicts the Underground Railroad escape route across the Niagara River to Canada, for blacks to escape Slavery in the United States.

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