Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Our greatest joy on our Mission is serving in the Temple

Our Grandson Layne asked how many people we have baptized while on our mission.  We do Baptismal work all the time with people who Our Grandson Layne asked us how many People we have Baptised on our Mission.  We help groups every day that come to the Temple to be Baptized for their ancestors.  Yesterday we helped the youth from 3 groups from Cincinnati , Ohio.  When they were all finished, we had completed 600 Baptisms, and Conformations.  It was a special day for everyone who was there.  We do that everyday in the Temple.  After an 8 hour day it is a great feeling to have helped with this great work in the Temple.  It doesn't get better than that.  Thanks for asking a great  question Layne. 
 We love and miss our loved ones back home, but know we are doing what our Heavenly Father wants us to do, and we are loving every minute.  Only 5 more months to go!  It is going by fast and we love every minute we are here.  

Remember that we love you all and think and talk about you all everyday.  Family is a gift from Heaven, and we are blessed with the best family ever!

All our love to family and friends!  Elder & Sister Barney

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