Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A visit from Brett & Rebecca and the kids

It was so great to see Brett& Rebecca's family this week.  We went to Niagara Falls and they went on the Maid of the Mist boat ride and had a blast!  Carrie and I sat in the shade and enjoyed the parade of people that walked by.  I think Ethan is ready for some fun!  When they got back everyone was all smiles.  I am having so much fun having grandma time!  It doesn't get better than this.

We went to Lake Ontario for some playtime with the kids and found a fun park with a view of the lake.  Carrie loved time out of her car seat playing on the ground, and the boys loved the playgrounds.  Time to play is never long enough.
Ethan is ready for his ride on the Niagara Falls Maid of the Mist.
Niagara Falls Ward celebrated their Strawberry Festival with a Barbecue Dinner and Fresh Strawberries and ice cream.  A good time for sure.  

Rebecca , Carrie and I enjoy a walk through the Sacred Grove.  Great times spent together are never enough, but so much fun.

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